Reflections 99 to 112
The Land of Light
4th August 2022
Lesson 99: Salvation is my only function here. (ACIM, W-99)
This lesson starts by saying that salvation and forgiveness are the same. Both imply that something has gone wrong, otherwise they wouldn’t be needed.
We clearly can’t correct what has gone wrong by ourselves. We suffer, and feel there is no way out of suffering. We feel apart with no one to turn to. We live and think that we die. A Course in Miracles provides the metaphysics to give us hope. It works with us from a stable reference point. This means working with spirit, and not with the ego which got us into this mess in the first place.
The Holy Spirit becomes our internal teacher. This is our anchor. The Holy Spirit allows the mind to awaken to the reality that lies beyond suffering and separation. This is where truth is universal. It is where it is impossible to have actually done anything wrong.
Complete clarity of mind therefore arises when the error of judgement is undone. The Holy Spirit helps us to see beyond it, and allows the mind to awaken to its natural state.
Truth is beyond your ability to destroy, but entirely within your ability to accept. It belongs to you because, as an extension of God, you created it with Him. It is yours because it is part of you, just as you are part of God because He created you. (ACIM, T-5.IV.1:4-6)
Salvation and forgiveness therefore both lead to the complete dismantling of the ego. The ego cannot prevail against the Holy Spirit, so questions then arise. What would it feel like to be without the ego? What would it feel like to be complete, and not contained within a separate, ungainly body?
Robert Aho is a practicing Buddhist who had two near-death experiences, his main one being in 2016. His experience highlights our true nature, but through Buddhist practice and terminology. It shows us the wonder of oneness. It demonstrates that the land of light exists for us all, not matter what our practice. The interview is with the Jeff Mara Podcast and the link for the video is below.
5th August 2022
Lesson 100: My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation. (ACIM, W-100)
The lesson today is that we should always play our part. What God wills for us is perfect joy and happiness. If this is not what we feel, then we are not playing our part. It is as simple as that.
A Course in Miracles tells us that salvation means that we have a mind that is filled with joy and happiness. It tells us that God knows nothing of the world of form, but He does know that His channels are blocked. Each one of us is a channel. We are either blocked, or not.
What we think is therefore crucial to our happiness. The ego’s thought system is based on fear, and the Holy Spirit’s thought system is based on love. Only the ego can be egotistic; only the Holy Spirit can be Self-aware. Since both the ego and the Holy Spirit exist within our minds, we can only choose one or the other. A Course in Miracles tells us that no other choice exists.
The decision, then, has to be made in the mind. Do we side with the ego or with the Holy Spirit?
If the ego is the symbol of the separation, it is also the symbol of guilt. Guilt is more than merely not of God. It is the symbol of attack on God. This is a totally meaningless concept except to the ego, but do not underestimate the power of the ego’s belief in it. This is the belief from which all guilt really stems. (ACIM, T-5.V.2:8-12)
The mind is therefore capable of creating reality or making illusions. This is how powerful the mind is. Within that context, A Course in Miracles says that the ego, like the Holy Spirit, is merely a decision. These are the only two alternatives that the mind can obey.
Whenever you respond to your ego you will experience guilt, and you will fear punishment. The ego is quite literally a fearful thought. However ridiculous the idea of attacking God may be to the sane mind, never forget the ego is not sane. It represents a delusional system, and speaks for it. (ACIM, T-5.V.3:6-9)
Our internal voice is therefore crucial for
our wellbeing. It speaks for sanity or insanity. Our choice is to decide
whether we want pain or we want peace.
The Preserver of Time
6th August 2022
Lesson 101: God’s Will for me is perfect happiness. (ACIM, W-101)
What is stated in today’s lesson is reflected throughout the whole of A Course in Miracles. This is that sin and punishment do not exist. They don’t exist because they are not of God. They are not part of our higher mind.
Instead, our lower mind simply makes mistakes and punishes itself. This can be corrected. Nothing that A Course in Miracles offers us involves any pain. It only involves the undoing of pain.
Jesus speaks to us like an older brother. He has our welfare at heart. The certainty behind his words comes from Jesus being awake in his lifetime. This means he knows that we can be awake in ours.
The Mind that was in me is in you, for God creates with perfect fairness. Let the Holy Spirit remind you always of His fairness, and let me teach you how to share it with your brothers. How else can the chance to claim it for yourself be given you? (ACIM, T-5.VI.3:2-4)
The ego will react to this - it has to. Any effort on our part to look for the Holy Spirit means that the ego loses its power. Our job is to look deeply into what A Course in Miracles is teaching us, and then put the teachings into practice. Only then can we come to understand the Mind that Jesus is talking about. This Mind contains no judgement. It contains no pain. And, above all, it contains no guilt.
This is the masterstroke of A Course in Miracles. The undoing of our unconscious guilt is the practical application of ACIM. Guilt binds us. It makes us react, bringing in shame and disgust. Guilt keeps us bound to a body. It is what keeps us coming back to the body, life after life.
feelings are the preservers of time. They induce fears of retaliation or
abandonment, and thus ensure that the future will be like the past. This is the
ego’s continuity. It gives the ego a false sense of security by believing that
you cannot escape from it. (ACIM,
The ego, then, is the preserver of time. We can dislike, ignore, or condemn the ego all we want, but we can never rid ourselves of it unless we face it. We do this with the Holy Spirit. We do this with the guidance of Jesus. Only then can we step into eternity where true peace lies.
7th August 2022
Lesson 102: I share God’s Will for happiness for me. (ACIM, W-102)
The lesson today shows us the nothingness of what we fear. This is why we practice the Workbook. It is to expose what we consider to be our biggest neuroses, our greatest terrors, and our hidden secrets. We lay them bare. Each day is a chance to find that they are just puffs of nothingness.
This means that every lesson we practice is yet another chance to heal our minds.
Jesus is the Voice of A Course in Miracles. He listened only to the Holy Spirit in his lifetime, and tells us we can do that too. This is the miracle. However, first we have to completely undo the ego. No one is fully healed if they still have a single shred of anxiety that dominates their thoughts.
have been many healers who did not heal themselves. They have not moved
mountains by their faith because their faith was not whole. Some of them have
healed the sick at times but they have not raised the dead. Unless the healer
heals himself, he cannot believe that there is no order of difficulty in miracles. (ACIM,
Jesus healed the dead because he knew there was no death. This is so far from our reality as to be impossible within the thought system of the ego, but it is the essence of A Course in Miracles. The ego believes in death and we are not the ego; the Holy Spirit believes in life and we are wholly spirit.
Jesus tells us that we listen endlessly to the ego. We totally believe its stories and its fantasies. If we feel just one ounce of fear in any given situation, we are listening to the ego.
The way out of this is in relationship. It is by learning to see the spirit in everyone. It is the way of knowing that we are all the same Self. Jesus tells us that the ego is a tiny roar that attempts to drown out reality. This is impossible but we allow it to happen. The only thing we need to do is to go within and listen. Peace is always there, and peace is ready to be listened to.
are merely asked to return to God the mind as He created it. He asks you only
for what He gave, knowing that this giving will heal you. Sanity is wholeness,
and the sanity of your brothers is yours. (ACIM,
103/ A Form of Faith
8th August 2022
Lesson 103: God, being Love, is also happiness. (ACIM, W-103)
The lesson today tells us our minds have learned to associate fear with love. This did not come from God. God only knows the attributes of love which includes happiness and joy.
The thought system we live by is what we teach by. A Course in Miracles tells us we do this unconsciously, and it becomes what we project. Out into the world goes this projection. This means the world arises from everything we think.
The fearful perceive fearfully. If fear is what is projected out, the world arises from that fear. The loving perceive lovingly. If love is what is projected out, the world arises from that love. A Course in Miracles is always telling us we only have two choices - the choice of love or the choice of fear.
The crucifixion can therefore be explained within this context. What is real is formless and cannot be killed. This is impossible. Spirit remains constant, expanding and unending. The ‘not real’ just appears to die. The body has no relevance to anything because it simply disappears.
Assault can ultimately be made only on the body. There is little doubt that one body can assault another, and can even destroy it. Yet if destruction itself is impossible, anything that is destructible cannot be real. Its destruction, therefore, does not justify anger. (ACIM, T-6.I.4:1-4)
Jesus wants us to look where we place our faith. We either have faith in the formless or we have faith in form. We either have faith in the mind or we have faith in the body. We either have faith in the ego or we have faith in the Holy Spirit.
Jesus tells us that we are responsible for what we believe. Our thoughts unite or divide, creating our reality. This means our training is to be aware of what we think. A form of faith is needed to keep us on track. We have one Voice to listen to. It’s an invisible force that gets us to this elusive goal. When all that is real just falls into place, we are told that we too can be like Jesus.
Remember always that what you believe you will teach. Believe with me, and we will become equal as teachers. (ACIM, T-6.I.6:10-11)
104/ The Experience of Awakening
9th August 2022
Lesson 104: I seek but what belongs to me in truth. (ACIM, W-104)
We have what we made, and we have what God has given us. There is no variation or in between. This is the message behind the lesson today.
The question, then, is whether God’s gifts are worth looking for? Is it worth seeking them out from under a pile of mindless thinking?
Jesus wants us to fully experience God’s gifts. These gifts are the purpose of A Course in Miracles. Jesus does not want us to think that life is about suffering. He wants us to know that his own lifetime only mirrors how we are feeling about ourselves right now. The ego is still the same as it was 2,000 years ago. The ego is still the mindless thought that covers the endless peace.
The message of the crucifixion is this. It is a symbol of the projection of the ego while the resurrection is a symbol of the sharing of the Holy Spirit. Jesus uses A Course in Miracles to tell us we should not feel persecuted. He says that all the suffering we heap on ourselves is just a mistake. At the heart of what we are is not the body but the wholeness, the purity, and the totality of spirit.
My one lesson, which I must teach as I learned it, is that no perception that is out of accord with the judgement of the Holy Spirit can be justified. I undertook to show this was true in an extreme case, merely because it would serve as a good teaching aid to those whose temptation to give in to anger and assault would not be so extreme. I will with God that none of His Sons should suffer. (ACIM, T-6.I.11:5-7)
Jesus wants us to teach only love because that is what we are. He does not want any fear to enter the thought system that he is teaching us. A Course in Miracles is about the transcendence of fear. Jesus says he does not want martyrs. He is not expecting us to go to the cross. He just wants us to be aware that we are crucifying ourselves when we think with the ego. We make our own suffering. No one can make us suffer
The experience of awakening therefore arises when we know that the Holy Spirit connects us to each other. The Holy Spirit is the link that binds our minds together. A Course in Miracles is here to teach us this. It is here to help us know that we are one.
Exclusion and Inclusion
10th August 2022
Lesson 105: God’s peace and joy are mine. (ACIM, W-105)
A Course in Miracles tells us that the ego projects. Projection is its claim to separateness. Division is what makes the ego happy. The lesson today, therefore, can only strike terror in the ego. It demonstrates that the ego does not exist.
The projection of the ego is what hurts us. It reinforces our belief that something is wrong, that life is too challenging, and that we can never quite get what we want.
What we project, we disown. We do not believe it is ours. Since projection is linked to the ego’s bubbling resentment within us, we do not believe that the anger of the world comes from within us. The mind is therefore split. It is split by the ego’s need to project outwards, and the other part of the mind that is stable and completely calm. This part of the mind is the home of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit does not project, it extends. It extends because it knows that God’s peace and joy are within us. The Holy Spirit knows we are perfect, and naturally extends that perfection everywhere.
A Course in Miracles’ whole premise is that this is our natural state of mind. There is no world, just God’s Oneness. We are a part of that Oneness, which is limitless. The world is limited and frustrating because we make it. We allow the ego to project its fear and anger, and this is the world we see.
Projection therefore makes perception. The ego perceives injustice, the Holy Spirit perceives justice, and the two have absolutely nothing in common.
Thoughts begin in the mind of the thinker, from which they reach outward. This is as true of God’s Thinking as it is of yours. Because your mind is split, you can perceive as well as think. Yet perception cannot escape the basic laws of mind. You perceive from your mind and project your perceptions outward. (ACIM, T-6.II.9:1-5)
Exclusion and inclusion are therefore
linked with the ego and the Holy Spirit. One excludes, the other includes. A
Course in Miracles’ simple message is that nothing ever happened. We are
always and forever in God’s presence. Exclusion is therefore impossible; only
inclusion is real.
Mind that Knows Itself
11th August 2022
Lesson 106: Let me be still and listen to the truth. (ACIM, W-106)
The lesson today gives us the solution to all our problems. It says that the solution is within us. All we have to do is to be quiet enough to find it.
We cannot extend this quietness if we have not learned it. A Course in Miracles states that we are learning all the time. It also tells us that, as we teach, so we will learn. Learn from the ego, and we teach that life can be difficult. Learn from the Holy Spirit, and we teach that life flows through us.
The ideas we have are what we send out. If we consider ourselves as separate and alone, then this is what we send out; if we consider ourselves the same and equal, this too is what we send out. Everything arises from within the mind, and every thought we think says exactly what its maker wants it to say.
Without anxiety the mind is wholly kind, and because it extends beneficence it is beneficent. Safety is the complete relinquishment of attack. No compromise is possible in this. Teach attack in any form and you have learned it, and it will hurt you. Yet this learning is not immortal, and you can unlearn it by not teaching it. (ACIM, T-6.III.3:6-10)
A Course in Miracles came into being when a decision was made to find a solution to a problem. In 1965, two professors at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City felt determined to find a better way. The ego was rampant in their academic setting, creating stress, disharmony, and so much projected anger that life had become intolerable. Out of that decision materialised the Voice, and ACIM was channelled over a period of seven years.
It was the decision between two people that began this process. Essentially, Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford made a request, and their request was answered. They got what they had wished for.
Judy Skutch-Whitson began the publishing of A Course in Miracles in 1975. Below is one of her interviews, shortly before she passed in 2021. One could say, she was part of a mind that knew itself.
A Failure in Communication
12th August 2022
Lesson 107: Truth will correct all errors in my mind. (ACIM, W-107)
The lesson today poses a question. Is it possible to imagine a mind that is perfectly calm, perfectly happy, and perfectly joyous? It is a question worth asking because the lesson tells us that this is our natural state of mind. Only illusions mask this.
Our natural state of mind is nothing less than a constant stream of love. It is a wonder without an opposite. This constancy is what we are searching for when we get caught up in the state of fear.
A Course in Miracles makes it simple. It is our choice to be separate from this love. Agitation is just a thought of separation, and the ego arose out of this thought. It was when this happened, indeed at the exact same moment, that the alternative was given us. This was the Holy Spirit.
The ego is therefore the thought of loss; the Holy Spirit is the Thought that no one loses.
The ego was made without love. It responds in kind, identifying with the body. The ego hates who we are. Its fuel is pain, though it will never tell us that. The ego is loud, actively hostile, and does everything it can to ensure its survival.
The Holy Spirit is the complete opposite. It reminds us we are all one Child of God. It tells us that nothing exists outside of this, and only our Self and our Source is real. The Holy Spirit always answers any questions that we have. It calms our confusion and is a constant Source of support.
We have a failure in communication. When we think with the ego, we are communicating with something that does not exist. Our natural state is a state of being; our unnatural state is a state of doing. We have to learn this from the inside out. We have to learn that God gave us the truth when we made the untruth. The only conflict we have in our minds is what we did to our Self.
separation was not a loss of perfection, but a failure in communication. A
harsh and strident form of communication arose as the ego’s voice. It could not
shatter the peace of God, but it could shatter yours. God did not blot it out,
because to eradicate it would be to attack it. Being questioned, He did not
question. He merely gave the Answer. His Answer is your Teacher. (ACIM,
Sleeping and Waking
13th August 2022
Lesson 108: To give and to receive are one in truth. (ACIM, W-108)
A Course in Miracles is all about perfect oneness - complete non duality – and the lesson today mirrors exactly this. There are no opposites. Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin.
It is clear we do not believe this. The ego within the body makes everything come with an opposite. For example, the ego will insist that giving always involves loss while receiving always involves gain.
A Course in Miracles teaches that we do not believe our own perfection. The body blocks the extension of God’s love so that we do not know our own completeness. God knows that our minds are whole. He also knows that our minds are blocked, which is why He cannot expand through us.
God’s communication therefore falls on deaf ears. We are asleep, and He wants to wake us.
The gentle Voice within our minds is what God has given to wake us from our dreaming. Within the dream, we behave like children without the supervision of a parent. Nothing is off limits. But if the parent wakes us suddenly from the dream, it can be traumatic. The gentle Voice is there to wake us lovingly. Waking should be a happy process with light dawning gently on the sleeping mind.
The Holy Spirit teaches us the difference between sleeping and waking. A brief summary might be that dreaming need not be painful, and that waking is always joyous. The ego, on other hand, keeps our minds firmly closed to questions. It wants to keep us dreaming. The ego insists that waking is painful and to be avoided at all cost. This is because the ego is the dream. If the dream ends, then the ego also ends.
The Holy Spirit is therefore like a wise teacher. We learn that we are sleeping, and we are taught the lessons in how to awaken. It is our decision whether to take onboard these lessons. If we don’t, the dream continues and we stay asleep.
The Holy Spirit makes no
distinction among dreams. He merely shines them away. His light is always the
Call to awaken, whatever you have been dreaming. Nothing lasting lies in
dreams, and the Holy Spirit, shining with the light from God Himself, speaks
only for what lasts forever. (ACIM,
Demonstration of the Miracle
14th August 2022
Lesson 109: I rest in God. (ACIM, W-109)
The lesson today is about a point of stillness. Madness might be going on around us but we can be perfectly still. This occurs in the mind, and the body has no choice but to respond.
A Course in Miracles tells us that the body is a symbol of what we think we are. We think we are arms and legs, flesh and bone. However, this is not what we are according to Jesus’ teachings. What we are is endless, boundless, plentiful spirit.
Jesus tells us that only the mind is real because only the mind can be shared. The body is an isolated, independent, awkward structure that is completely at the mercy of the mind. We can never share a body. It can never be still unless the mind is still. This is why the lessons in the Workbook are all about training the mind. We do absolutely nothing to train the body.
If the mind can heal the body, but the body cannot heal the mind, then the mind must be stronger than the body. Every miracle demonstrates this (ACIM, T-6.V-A.2:4-7).
These words are impossible for the ego to understand because the ego relates so strongly to the body. Nor can the ego know that true peace arises only from a mind that is whole, not from a mind that is divided into seven billion separate wholes.
Each separate little whole seems to have two parts. There is the part of the mind that projects fear and thinks the body is real. Then there is the part of the mind that extends only love and knows that nothing else is real. This means the body can either be a vessel of fear or a vessel of love.
The miracle is a demonstration of the total inclusion of the Holy Spirit. The miracle demonstrates that only life exists. This is its purpose. It is to know that we rest in God, and nothing else exists.
When your body and your ego
and your dreams are gone, you will know that you will last forever. Perhaps you
think this is accomplished through death, but nothing is accomplished through
death, because death is nothing. Everything is accomplished through life, and
life is of the mind and in the mind. (ACIM,
110/ We Are what We Teach
15th August 2022
Lesson 110: I am as God created me. (ACIM, W-110)
We might like to consider the following statements.
· Nothing that God created could ever murder, or could ever harm.
· Nothing that God created ever dies.
· Nothing that God created can ever suffer.
The title of today’s lesson is another statement that implies we are so much more than just a body and a brain. It gets to the heart of the matter. It brings us to the centre of who we are, not who we think we are. It tells us that everything arises out of love, not out of fear.
If the center of the thought system is true, only truth extends from it. But if a lie is at its center, only deception proceeds from it (ACIM, T-6.V-B.1:10-11).
Who we think we are is not the ego. The ego is the lie at the centre
of its thought system.
Who we really are is spirit. The Holy Spirit has truth at the centre of its thought system.
The way out of conflict
between two opposing thought systems is clearly to choose one and relinquish
the other. If you identify with your thought system, and you cannot escape
this, and if you accept two thought systems which are in complete disagreement,
peace of mind is impossible. (ACIM,
We are what we teach. One could say we are what we think. Every thought we send out contributes to something. So this means we teach either sanity or insanity. Only we know from which thought system we teach. The way to know is whether we feel peaceful.
Acceptance and Rejection
16th August 2022
Lesson 111: Review 3: Lessons 91 & 92. (ACIM, W-111)
The review today sums up two lessons, and both relate to miracles and how we perceive them. Both state we are beings of light who are lost in darkness. Both also relate to light, and this is a light that is always within us. The miracle simply arises out of our desire to know this light. By choosing to stay in the dark, we essentially eliminate our ability to produce a miracle.
The choice, however, has to be total. It is impossible to know a partial truth.
We have light or we have dark; we have truth or we have a lie; we have peace or we have fear. The decision for one or the other is always ours. It is always an effect that arises out of the mind. However, to bounce from light to dark, from truth to untruth, from peace to fear, means we haven’t awoken to our ultimate reality. We are still firmly entrenched in the dream of separation.
To awaken from our dream of separation is to awaken to a constant peace. Light and truth are one - there is no variation thereof. We are either asleep or we are awake. It is one or the other.
The ego and the Holy Spirit therefore have different goals. One limits us, and the other makes us limitless. We either suffer or we celebrate. The purpose of the Workbook is to guide us toward the certainty of the Holy Spirit. Anything less and we are still in the hands of the ego.
If you allow yourself to have in your mind only what God put there, you are acknowledging your mind as God created it. Therefore, you are accepting it as it is. Since it is whole, you are teaching peace because you believe in it. (ACIM, T-6.V-C.5:4-6)
We are the makers of the world we see. The world arises either through the eyes of the ego or the eyes of the Holy Spirit. We can accept one and reject the other, but not both. Acceptance and rejections therefore has to be total. It is always one or the other.
however, that what the Holy Spirit rejects the ego accepts. This is because
they are in fundamental disagreement about everything, being in fundamental
disagreement about what you are. (ACIM,
17th August 2022
Lesson 112: Review 3: Lessons 93 & 94. (ACIM, W-112)
Another two lessons are reviewed today. The first lesson states that light and joy and peace are what we are, and this is what we share with the Infinite Love that created us. The second lesson informs us that we will always remain like this, since the Infinite Love that created us never changes.
With all the difficult issues in the world today, this is hard to believe. But then, anything we read from within A Course in Miracles is going to be hard to believe. We believe in the narrative that runs our minds. ACIM asks us to question this narrative, and to look for an alternative.
We might, for example, like to consider this. The ego likes to think of love on its terms, and this is where our peace stops. It is like we have turned off a tap. We have made ourselves separate and afraid. A Course in Miracles teaches us to turn the tap back on, and tells us that this is when our light and joy and peace can then return.
The practice, then, is to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit carefully. The ego will try to stop this happening because, when it does happen, it means the end of the ego. We could say that, as we turn on the tap, there might be air blocks in the pipe. This is a useful analogy to hold because the ego will explode with anger when it feels it is losing control. A Course in Miracles, however, tells us that the ego is nothing. It is just a framework of fear that masquerades as something.
We create like our Creator. Jesus uses the metaphor of parents creating children, but children not creating parents. The children just go on to have children of their own.
creations belong in you, as you belong in God. You are part of God, as your
sons are part of His Sons. To create is to love. Love extends outward simply
because it cannot be contained. Being limitless it does not stop. It creates
forever, but not in time. (ACIM,
A question of creation is therefore only open to interpretation through the ego. The Holy Spirit knows who we are. The Holy Spirit knows that to think like God is to share the certainty of what we are; it knows that to create like God is to share the perfect Love He shares with us. Both the ego and the Holy Spirit exist within our minds so all we have to do is change our minds. We can either extend love or keep it contained. The fact is, we can only do one or the other.
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