

With thanks to The Foundation for Inner Peace, the publisher of A Course in Miracles

All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, and, used with permission.

With thanks to online teachers like Cate Grieves and Glenda Carlin, whose insight makes this possible.

With thanks to all the near-death experiencers, and those who have had pre-birth memories, for having the courage to tell their story. Thanks also to all the people who record and put their testimonies out there; and also to the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS) for their huge part in highlighting the importance of the near-death experience.

With thanks to Gary Renardthe author of The Disappearance of the Universe. His trilogy of books came into my hands at just the right time.


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