
These reflections look at the workbook of A Course in Miracles and are really a continuation of the reflections of 2021/22. That project was an idea that started as a creative contribution to lockdown. It was a seed of an idea that just kept on going. Out of that grew the blog and the eBook, and this blog began on the final day of editing.

I have personally completed the lessons of the workbook at least twice since I first came across A Course in Miracles in March 2017. There is no way that anyone can do it perfectly. However, the main priority is that we simply do our best. And it is also necessary to be persistent. No matter how many times we feel we are not getting it, or we just forget to do it, we just need to carry on.

A Course in Miracles is holographic. All of the text, all of the workbook, and all of the manual for teachers - it all comes back to one thing. We are one connecting spirit, a speck of Infinite Love, a spiritual entity that is wholly complete through the Holy Spirit in our minds. The ego is the part of our minds that is separate from this Identity. The ego is actually the terror that we will be punished. When the ego is undone, it just falls away. What is real then reveals Itself and nothing is ever lost. We just awaken to the Infinite Love that surrounds us, and then get on with our lives.

The workbook is just a stepping stone along the way. This blog simply goes through the workbook from beginning to end. It takes a lesson each day and looks at it in relation to the text. All the quotes used are taken from the text. Each lesson is just commented on. And, just like last blog, there is no pre-planning. No more than a page or two of the text is read in the morning, and each reflection is based on that.

Meanwhile, starting on the 29th April and continuing for every Thursday thereafter, a YouTube video is included. These videos include teachings from Cate Grieves, more accounts of the near-death experience, and also pre-birth memories which have not been included before. All of these videos are simply used to portray the wonder of Infinite Love and the true nature of who we are. However, it should be noted that A Course in Miracles does not mention NDEs. As far as ACIM is concerned, NDEs and PBMs are still part of the dream. A list of the links is included below.

Cate Grieves' teachings on The Obstacles to Peace (ACIM, T-19.IV).

·         No.2.

·         No.8.

·         No.15.

·         No.22.

·         No.29.

·         No.36.

·         No.43.

·         No.50.

·         No.57.

·         No.64.

·         No.71.

·         No.78.

·         No.85.

Near-death experiences.

Judy Skutch-Whitson. Co-founder of the Foundation for Inner Peace.

Robert Schwartz. Pre-birth planning.

Pre-birth memories.


Roy Mills’ pre-birth memories. The Soul's Remembrance. A reading of the book in eleven parts.

Near-death experiences.

Love Covered Life Podcast. A twelve-part compilation of different aspects of the near-death experience.

Cate Grieves’ teachings on The Healing of the Dream (ACIM, T-27.I)

This blog can be dipped into it, or just read it from beginning to end. The main thing is that it kindles an interest in A Course in Miracles and/or that it provides a deeper understanding of its teachings. Equally, it is about gaining the wonder of a greater reality. We are so much bigger than we think we are.


How to use this blog

 The reflections will be divided into fourteen per page - use the menu in the left hand panel to navigate through all the reflections and/or to find out more information.


Permissions from the publisher - The Foundation for Inner Peace

 “All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, and, used with permission.”


Further information

 *Please note that all references that contain ’T’ relate to the Text, ‘W’ is the Workbook, ‘M’ is the Manual for Teachers, ‘C’ is the Clarification of Terms, ‘P’ is Psychotherapy, and ‘S’ is the Song of Prayer.

All quotes have been taken from A Course in Miracles, Combined Volume, Third Edition.


