Reflections 113 to 126
Obscuring Totality
18th August 2022
Lesson 113: Review 3: Lessons 95 & 96. (ACIM, W-113)
The review today
mentions the Self, our Creator and salvation. The Self is who we are; our
Creator is the Source of who we are; and salvation is the recognition of who we
are. We are constantly separated from all this by a life that seems random and
There are
definitely words and phrases from within A
Course in Miracles that the separated mind finds impossible to comprehend
on a practical level. The Kingdom of Heaven is one. Historically, Jesus is
quoted as saying that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us. But where is it? Our
lives are so disjointed and difficult that this seems implausible. It also
sounds too biblical. However, the spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, tells us
that ‘Kingdom’ can just as easily be translated as ‘dimension’ and ‘Heaven’ as
‘spaciousness’. This means that there is a dimension of spaciousness is within
A Course in Miracles is about stilling the mind so that we find this dimension of
spaciousness. It is about bringing what God thinks into our own mindset. It is
about seeing our brother through the eyes of the Holy Spirit, and not the ego.
It is about knowing the Kingdom of Heaven does not have to be earned. It simply
Outside the Kingdom, the law that prevails inside is adapted
to “What you project you believe.” This is its teaching form, because outside
the Kingdom learning is essential. (ACIM,
A Course in Miracles tells us that, within the Kingdom, there is no teaching and no learning; there is only certainty. Our purpose is to find this certainty. Our purpose is to see past the constant chatter of our minds, because all it is doing is obscuring totality.
An interesting question then arises as to whether we pre-plan our lives for certain experiences to helps us grow? In last year's reflections, on 14th March 2021, there was mention of Dr. Michael Newton and his book Journey of Souls. Today, we have an interview with Robert Schwartz who is doing similar work to Dr. Newton. Robert is an author and hypnotherapist and he talks about his journey into the exploration of pre-birth planning. There are many interviews with Robert on YouTube and this particular interview is from 2013. The video is below.
114/ The Way, the Truth and the Life
19th August 2022
Lesson 114: Review 3: Lessons 97 & 98. (ACIM, W-114)
The first lesson
reviewed today says one thing. We are Spirit. The second lesson is merely the
acceptance of this. It is a reminder that God did not make anything external to
what we are. God made only the peace in our minds.
The peace in our
minds arises subtly, and this is through the quiet presence of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit teaches one lesson and one lesson only. The Holy Spirit teaches
that all power is ours.
This power lies
untapped in our minds. In fact, it permeates just the one mind and we have
simply fallen asleep to it. The power is here within us, around us, within
everything and around everything. We don’t have to go anywhere to find it.
The ego has to
disguise this. The ego tells us only what we are not. It demands we be like
little gods so that we each can have our own little kingdoms. The mind,
however, does not belong to the ego. The ego is merely the chatter that splits
the mind and covers up the truth of what we are.
Jesus is our
teacher within A Course in Miracles.
His main teaching is that we are complete. He teaches this to our right mind,
undoing our wrong mind. He wants us to know that our right mind is just a
reflection of perfect Thought. Our wrong mind is simply a reflection of fearful
When I said “I am with you always,” I meant it literally. I am not absent to anyone in any situation. Because I am always with you, you are the way, the truth and the life. You did not make this power, any more than I did. It was created to be shared, and therefore cannot be meaningfully perceived as belonging to anyone at the expense of another. (ACIM, T-7.III.1:7-11)
A Course in Miracles is about the light in our minds. The Holy Spirit is this light. Jesus reflects this light. The ego is anything the light is not. And God Himself is the light.
The way, the truth and the life is what this light is. Jesus and the Holy Spirit teach this, while we are asleep to this fact. Only we can wake up to reality and only we can listen. However, we can never lose the reality of what we really are.
The Essence of Healing
20th August 2022
Lesson 115: Review 3: Lessons 99 & 100. (ACIM, W-115)
The review today
wants to show us that we are worthy and wanted. It is reminding us that God
made a Promise to His one Son. Our job is to remember this Promise, and to
remember it in others.
We, of course,
have seven billion different ideas about this. We all have our own opinions and
this is what the ego loves. It loves dominance and subjugation. It loves to
debate and disrupt. The gentle calm of unity is frowned on. Equality and
wholeness do not exist.
A Course in Miracles gives us some basic truths.
Healing does not come directly from God, Who knows His
creations as perfectly whole. (ACIM,
Truth can only be recognized and need only be recognized. Inspiration is of the Holy Spirit, and certainty is of God
according to His laws. (ACIM,
you heal, you are remembering the laws of God and forgetting the laws of the
ego. (ACIM,
A Course in Miracles tells us that the Holy Spirit has to work through us in
order that we can begin to be healed. This is the essence of healing. ACIM
tells us that whatever the ego does in relation to healing, it can only endorse
division. We will still remain fearful and we will still feel alone.
The essence of
healing is therefore to acknowledge that what we see in each other is actually
arising in the mind that thinks it. We can only think in two ways. One way
heals and the other way divides.
Healing is a way of forgetting the sense of danger the ego
has induced in you, by not recognizing its existence in your brother. This
strengthens the Holy Spirit in both of you, because it is a refusal to
acknowledge fear. Love needs only this invitation.
We Are what We Believe
21st August 2022
Lesson 116: Review 3: Lessons 101 & 102. (ACIM, W-116)
The two lessons reviewed today tell us one thing. They say that, to have perfect happiness, we need to share God’s Will. If we don’t, then we are simply chasing the tail of happiness and never finding it.
A Course in Miracles informs us that there is a huge difference between what the ego and the Holy Spirit might think of as happiness. One is just a fleeting dream; the other is eternal and everlasting. We probably feel that to have eternal and everlasting happiness is untenable. We would lose all that we are. This is not true. The only thing we lose is our dependency on fear.
The body remains, but at the service of the Holy Spirit and not the ego. Herein is the whole purpose of completing the Workbook. We need to sense the Holy Spirit to know what to do. The Holy Spirit sees the whole picture. The Holy Spirit knows exactly what is needed at exactly the right time.
The ego will always believe that the body is independent of the mind. A Course in Miracles teaches that it is not. The body is controlled by the mind. This means that only the mind needs healing because only the mind causes the problem.
Love is incapable of any exceptions. Only if there is fear does the idea of exceptions seem to be meaningful. Exceptions are fearful because they are made by fear. The “fearful healer” is a contradiction in terms, and is therefore a concept that only a conflicted mind could possibly perceive as meaningful. (ACIM, T-7.V.5:7-10)
The fearful healer therefore teaches us that the body is self sufficient. However, the body is nothing more than a container for developing abilities. How we use these abilities is entirely dependent on the whims of the ego. We all have the capacity for cruelty and we all have the capacity for love.
A true healer teaches that the body merely communicates what arises within the mind. This means that the body is a container for what the Holy Spirit wants to use it for. The body becomes Self sufficient. It communicates truth. There is nothing else that it needs to do
We are what we believe. What we are is entirely dependent on the mind of the thinker.
The Changeless Mind
22nd August 2022
Lesson 117: Review 3: Lessons 103 & 104. (ACIM, W-117)
The review today teaches that love and happiness are what we are. This is the essence of our Self and is our truth. It is unlikely that we feel this way, despite fleeting glimpses of the above. And yet this is what A Course in Miracles promises us, but only if we heal the mind.
Actually, healing the mind is an oxymoron, just like healing the whole is also contradictory. The mind is already perfect, endless and completely at peace. It needs no healing. The healing of the mind, just like the healing of the whole, is only an illusion that we face.
Jesus tells us repeatedly throughout A Course in Miracles that there is only fear and love. Nothing else exists. Fear arises from the paralysing thoughts that we think, while love just simply is. Fear makes us feel separate and anxious. Love is essentially hidden by fear, and this makes our lives hell.
To heal the mind means that we integrate all of our experiences. We look at our fears, face them, and see past them. This allows us to recognize the changeless mind. A Course in Miracles teaches that changelessness is of God and we are of God. Changelessness is what the mind is. We therefore have to challenge the voice that tells us that this is not so.
We find the changeless mind by seeing it in each other. We train our minds to hear one Voice and to see in just one way. We begin to experience the truth in each other because that is all there is. To manufacture something else is to make a barrier, and this is where we fall down. We are asking our minds to do exactly what Jesus did. This is to look past the ego and see only the Holy Spirit.
Your mind is so powerful a light that you can look into theirs and enlighten them, as I can enlighten yours. I do not want to share my body in communion because this is to share nothing. Would I try to share an illusion with the most holy children of a most holy Father? Yet I do want to share my mind with you because we are of one Mind, and that Mind is ours. See only this Mind everywhere, because only this is everywhere and in everything. (ACIM, T-7.V.10:6-10)
Jesus wants us to know that we are like him. None of us are different because there is only one mind. There is only one Self. There is only one of us. The changeless mind knows this. It knows that our changelessness is what gives us joy and happiness. It knows that this is what makes us whole.
The Sum of Many Parts
23rd August 2022
Lesson 118: Review 3: Lessons 105 & 106. (ACIM, W-118)
The review today tells us that we have everything within us. Peace and joy and God’s Love are all there. To discover this, we simply have to still the mind and, just like a gust of wind blowing away a covering of leaves, allow everything that we are to be revealed. However, and until that happens, we will always remain detached from what we are.
A Course in Miracles is about correcting our perception. It tells us that what we perceive as fragmented is actually whole and complete. It also tells us that, whenever we label a fragment as bad or awful, we are labelling our vastness in the same way. Our irrational and condemning thoughts are never discrete. What is directed to one thing is always directed to the totality of what we are.
Jesus tells us that fear makes and love creates. The ego makes the fearful and the Holy Spirit creates the loving. When we make fear, we fragment; when we create love, we make whole.
The mind that accepts attack cannot love. That is because it believes it can destroy love, and therefore does not understand what love is. If it does not understand what love it, it cannot perceive itself as loving. This loses the awareness of being, induces feelings of unreality and results in utter confusion. (ACIM, T-7.VI.2:1-4)
The basic rule is therefore this. It is not what we think that gives us power, but instead it is how we direct our thinking that gives us power. Our minds are either powerful or powerless depending on whether we allow the ego or the Holy Spirit to dominate.
The ego uses so many tactics to preserve itself. Ultimately, though, it is angry towards the underlying power that allows our true nature to be what it is. We could call this power our Self, the Christ, God’s Son, Spirit, our Buddha nature, or any of the myriad of other names that are used. The fact is, this power is nameless; and it is completely impervious to anything the ego can throw at it.
We are the sum of many parts. We can be powerful or powerless. We can be together or apart. Jesus wants us to direct our thinking by tapping into our power: If you do not believe you can do this you have denied the power of your thought, and thus rendered it powerless in your belief (ACIM, T-7.VI.2:7). Our thoughts make or break us. We either live or die through our thinking.
A Need for Vigilance
24th August 2022
Lesson 119: Review 3: Lessons 107 & 108. (ACIM, W-119)
The review today is all about truth. This is the whole point of A Course in Miracles. It is to undo the errors in the mind and to be vigilant about the thoughts that we are thinking. If we believe that we are a body, and that someday we die, then inevitably we worry. Our thoughts are taking us to a place where we can only suffer.
Truth corrects this, and truth does not even consider the body. A Course in Miracles tells us that truth is total and arises through the mind. It tells us that only the mind produces. If the ego produces, we get instant fear and variations thereof. If the Holy Spirit produces, we get instant truth with no opposite. We can only produce one or the other, and it is always our choice which one it is.
requires vigilance only as long as you do not recognize what is true. While you
believe that two totally contradictory thought systems share truth, your need
for vigilance is apparent. (ACIM,
This means we cannot create when the mind is divided. The extension of peace is blocked by the ego. Only by extending the peace of the Holy Spirit can we have a joyful mind.
Vigilance is therefore not needed in the
peaceful mind. It is only necessary when we believe in a mind that is agitated.
Agitation equals stress and what is stressful is caused by the ego.
A Course in Miracles asks that we keep in mind only what the Holy Spirit offers us. This is basically the total opposite to what the ego offers us. For example, if we feel anxiety, the Holy Spirit offers us peace; if we feel angry, the Holy Spirit offers us stability; if we feel sad, the Holy Spirit offers us joy.
We cannot comprehend the Holy Spirit with a divided mind. The Workbook is the tool that allows us to understand that we have this option. It trains us to tune into the Holy Spirit, meaning that our minds are no longer dominated by the fear of separation.
The need for vigilance is purely to keep us on track. We know we are off track when we are not feeling peaceful.
120/ Fact and Fiction
25th August 2022
Lesson 120: Review 3: Lessons 109 & 110. (ACIM, W-120)
The final two lessons reviewed today both point to our wholeness and completion. The first states that we rest in God and the second states that we are exactly as God created us. The truth behind these two statements is hard to fathom for a mind immersed in separation.
A Course in Miracles tells us we do not know our own being. We do not know what life is. We do not know the wonder of what we are. All our confusion comes from our inability to think correctly. The fact is the ego wants to keep us subjugated, allowing no access to truth in a mind that it dominates.
Reality cannot be partly appreciated. That is why denying any part of it means you have lost the awareness of all of it. Yet denial is a defense, and so it is capable of being used positively as well as negatively. Reality cannot be partly appreciated. (ACIM, T-7.VII.1:7-9)
The ego sees reality as limited and obscure. Suffering is part of its reality. The ego tells us we are unloved, deprived and vulnerable. The ego compresses reality into a tiny bubble that suits the mind that perceives it. The ego likes to keep things restricted. It never expands and it never shares.
The Holy Spirit sees reality as expansive
and thrilling. There is no end to it just as there is no beginning. Reality is
infinitely abundant because it arises out of the Mind that created it. To
understand this reality, we have to link completely to the Holy Spirit.
There is fact and there is fiction. One relates to what is real and one relates to everything else that is not. One is impossible to comprehend while the other is what we know. Reality is therefore like trying to imagine the unimaginable. Whatever we think it to be, it remains elusive and out of sight.
Melissa Denyce talks about her experience of reality in the video below. Memories of Heaven came flooding back to her when she was nineteen, having had a desire to remember it for all of her earlier years. She describes her pre-birth memories and what she experienced, and she now has her own YouTube channel in which she interviews others. The interview is with Lee Witting and NDE Radio.
Projection and Extension
26th August 2022
Lesson 121: Forgiveness is the key to happiness. (ACIM, W-121)
We have an unforgiving mind and we have a mind that arises out of forgiveness. These are the only two ways we can live our lives. The lesson today tells us a lot about how an unforgiving mind thinks. Basically it projects anger, vitriol and hate because that is what it contains. Nothing is outside of it. To change it, we simply have to look at it.
Forgiveness is the process where we hand everything over to the Holy Spirit. We let go of the ego. Life then unfolds without attachment to outcome. It might seem painful but it is not. Forgiveness is a means of returning the mind to its original state.
The Holy Spirit will teach you to perceive beyond your belief, because truth is beyond belief and His perception is true. The ego can be completely forgotten at any time, because it is a totally incredible belief, and no one can keep a belief he has judged to be unbelievable. (ACIM, T-7.VIII.6:1-2)
A Course in Miracles tells us that the ego always tries to preserve conflict. We only have to listen to our thoughts to know that this is true. When something doesn’t turn out the way we expected, we can turn it over in our minds endlessly. We project it onto others. This becomes an endless cycle of suffering that keeps on going round and round.
Forgiveness is the start of undoing this cycle. The Holy Spirit becomes our ally in this. We stop projecting and start extending. We see everyone as spirit, knowing that spirit can only extend. Spirit is the love and light that we are.
We either project or we extend and this is the sum total of what we do. Projection is of the ego. It makes bodies real. It sees everything as a threat, not realizing it enforces the mind that thinks it. Extension is of the Holy Spirit. It allows the mind to extend its peace naturally. Everyone and everything is included. There are no barriers because the mind is free. Ultimately, we are just one mind and we need to cut through the fear that makes us think the other way.
not be afraid of the ego. It depends on your mind, and as you made it by
believing in it, so you can dispel it by withdrawing belief from it. Do not
project the responsibility for your belief in it onto anyone else, or you will preserve
your belief. (ACIM,
122/ Two Different Paths
27th August 2022
Lesson 122: Forgiveness offers everything I want. (ACIM, W-122)
What do we want?
The question is answered in many different ways. Different egos have different demands. The ego’s biggest demand is that it is given respect.
Ultimately, though, it just wants peace. Wars are fought over this. Bombs are dropped with one goal. To obliterate the barriers that block off peace.
A Course in Miracles tells us that we can suffer or we can celebrate. There is one path to happiness and one path to sadness. Never the two shall meet.
Selfishness is of the ego, but Self-fullness is of spirit because this is how God created it. The Holy Spirit is in the part of the mind that lies between the ego and the spirit, mediating between them always in favor of the spirit. (ACIM, T-7.IX.1:4-5)
The ego feels victimised. It treads the path of self protection. This is a path with many pitfalls.
Spirit takes the path of never ending love. It does not know anything else. There are no exceptions.
You do not know your joy because you do not know your own Self-fullness. Exclude any part of the Kingdom from yourself and you are not whole. A split mind cannot perceive its fullness, and needs the miracle of its wholeness to dawn upon it and heal it. (ACIM, T-7.IX.4:2-4)
The two paths therefore relate to the two aspects of the mind. One is joy, the other is despair.
Forgiveness leads us on the path to joy. When we find this path, the other path gets more and more distant. Forgiveness, then, frees us from the path of suffering.
123/ We Do not See the Whole
28th August 2022
Lesson 123: I thank my Father for His gifts to me. (ACIM, W-123)
The lesson today suggests we have a day of gratitude. Our lives might be coloured by unpaid bills and unfolding events but rarely do we give thanks for being exactly where we are right now. Something in the past or something in the future is always haunting us.
The fact is whatever happened in the past happened in the now, and whatever happens in the future can only happen now. The now is all there is and so we might as well give it our full attention. We could therefore start with this one question: what is our state of mind right at this moment?
A Course in Miracles tells us that the Holy Spirit always sides with our strength. If we do not listen to His Voice, we are choosing our weakness.
Choosing our weakness means choosing with the ego. The ego always wishes, and it wishes for what it wants to bring it happiness. This is a happiness that is in the future, based on what has happened in the past. The wishing brings pain to the mind. It blocks off all the knowledge of the gifts of God.
The Holy Spirit wills just as God wills. This is inherent in the mind and requires our presence to locate it. The will of God is the will of Joy. All we have to do is to censor our wishing and begin to listen to it.
Holy Spirit will direct you only so as to avoid pain. Surely no one would
object to this goal if he recognized it. The problem is not whether what the
Holy Spirit says is true, but whether you want to listen to what He says. You
no more recognize what is painful than you know what is joyful, and are, in
fact very apt to confuse the two. (ACIM,
It is difficult to imagine the enormous opening that happens when we embrace the present moment. Putting expectations aside, there can only be what is limitless. Life unfolds out of the expansiveness of spirit. There are no demands upon anything because spirit does not demand.
We do not see the whole. The whole of what the ego presents is a disaster. The whole of what the Holy Spirit presents is indescribable bliss. The totality of what we are is in the mind and we only have to be where we are to find it.
124/ Our Natural State
29th August 2022
Lesson 124: Let me remember I am one with God. (ACIM, W-124)
It takes just one person. When one person experiences the memory of God, suffering is replaced by ripples of peace. These ripples slowly spread out, creating further ripples which go on and on.
It takes just one mind. Thoughts become timeless, miracles become natural and the world loses it meaning. This one mind understands completely that only love exists.
The lesson today, in fact every word of the thousand-plus pages of A Course in Miracles, all point to one thing. This is that every cell of our being, and every atom of what we see, feel and touch, all arise from the unseen Force that we call God.
The peace of God is the natural state of every person on this planet. Life is a strain when we forget this. However, life is also a boundless blessing when we remember this.
Life as a strain is probably what we know. And yet today’s lesson is just another opportunity to change this. It is just another chance to give our minds to the Holy Spirit. By listening to the Holy Spirit in our minds, and seeing past the thoughts of the ego, we begin the process of healing.
We are on the outside looking in. Our natural state feels so foreign and so distant that it is simply easier not to look at it. The problems that we have simply smother the unspeakable intimacy that a relationship with God brings. However, as we slowly apply ourselves to the principles of A Course in Miracles, we are consistently given the choice between the mind that knows truth and the mind that does not. It is always up to us to choose between one or the other.
a mind has only light, it knows only light. Its own radiance shines all around
it, and extends out into the darkness of other minds, transforming them into
majesty. The majesty of God is there, for you to recognize and appreciate and
know. (ACIM,
Our natural state is only light. Darkness is its opposite and ultimately that does not exist. When we recognise this light in others, it confirms that we are all the same and in no way different. We are all one co-creator of truth and we are only here to help each other.
125/ Peace and only Peace
30th August 2022
Lesson 125: In quiet I receive God’s Word today. (ACIM, W-125)
This lesson states that the world will change through us. It makes us realize that no peace is possible until we change our inner world. The mind is the key. Through the mind, we either keep ourselves imprisoned or we set ourselves free.
The jailer within the mind is the ego. We bribe the ego to keep us happy. We disguise our unhappiness with expensive fabrics, with plates of food and endless drink. We swallow pills and inject liquid. Nothing, though, brings us the happiness we crave. The ego simply keeps it out of sight.
The solution within the mind is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has the key to the lock. The Holy Spirit quietly frees us from captivity and gives us peace. As the mind quietens, it can only know happiness.
On tasting freedom, this is what we learn. We are not a prisoner. We are perfect. We have no jailer. Every thought we think either restricts or liberates us. We are the masters of our destiny. Only we can change our fate.
The ego’s voice is an hallucination. You cannot expect it to say “I am not real.” Yet you are not asked to dispel your hallucinations alone. You are merely asked to evaluate them in terms of their results to you. If you do not want them on the basis of loss of peace, they will be removed from your mind for you. (ACIM, T-8.I.2:2-6)
A Course in Miracles tells us that the goal of its curriculum is peace. Everything we do with the Workbook is simply paving the way for a peaceful state of mind. Out of this manifests knowledge. When peace returns, the knowledge of the laws that govern us is guaranteed.
Currently our minds are at war. We are in prison. We have a constant tirade of abuse coming at us from the ego. This is the hell that we ask for and it is what we accept every day of our lives.
The change arises when we ask for it. The guns slowly silence. The doors are opened. Our choice is to walk with the Holy Spirit or stay with the ego. Outside the jail, we find there is peace and only peace. Nothing else exists. In fact, we wonder how this peace could ever have been forgotten.
126/ Giving Is Receiving
31st August 2022
Lesson 126: All that I give is given to myself. (ACIM, W-126)
The lesson today is very clear. A Course in Miracles is very clear. What we give out we get back.
Nothing we do or say can change this. It is an immutable law of the universe. The law tells us we are wholly responsible for our thoughts and feelings. What we put out there always comes back to us.
A Course in Miracles tells us that the ego is an expert only in confusion. It tells us the ego cannot teach us anything. We need to know we are so much bigger. We are the sun, the moon and the stars all rolled into one. We are completely infinite. We are pure, undiluted, unconditional love.
The ego is merely a blip. The ego looks at the above and reacts in different way. It might question, imprison, murder, ignore or simply ridicule anyone whose thinking is different. The ego isolates itself within its own little world. The body is its motivation. The ego teaches defence and promotes attack.
Holy Spirit’s teaching takes only one direction and has only one goal. His
direction is freedom and His goal is God. Yet He cannot conceive of God without
you, because it is not God’s Will to be without you. When you have learned that
your will is God’s, you could no more will to be without Him than He could will
to be without you. (ACIM,
The ego sees itself as being in competition with God. The ego arose out of fear. When we suffer, our thoughts are that fear in action. These thoughts are always a choice. We are making our reality.
The mind that is calm attracts calmness. The mind that is peaceful attracts peace. The mind that is joyful attracts joy. This is Holy Spirit in action. The love of the Holy Spirit is attracted back to us.
This is our predicament. We either attract what we are or we attract what we are not.
Giving is receiving and this will never change. Our thoughts side with the ego or with the Holy Spirit. Just by how we feel, we should know instantly which one of them we are siding with.
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